Home Opinion Abure, enough of the rigmarole and Media propaganda, open the book for...

Abure, enough of the rigmarole and Media propaganda, open the book for proper audit.


By Oluchi OpPart



An independent review and investigation into the matter as requested by Abure is welcomed to lay out the facts through a well established public inquiry/probe of all accounts, I have nothing to hide. His claims are false and an attempt to silence the truth.


He has challenged everyone so the Onus is now on him to make the books of accounts and statements of account available.


This statement should not just be a political statement and should be accompanied by sincere action to address all the issues of financial misappropriation and missing of money facing the Party under his leadership.


The attempt by Julius Abure to turn the table to a different direction is laughable and should be ignored by all well-meaning Nigerians and especially Labour Party members.


Yes,I was elected in 2014 as the National treasurer of Labour Party (LP) along side Abure who was also elected as the Assistant National Secretary and later was appointed as the acting National Secretary and we both served our tenure together as principal Signatories to the Party’s account and Abure’s duties include the management, storage and supervision of all out going and incoming correspondence of the Party and shall cause to be kept all records books of proceedings of the National Convention, National Executive and National working Committee.


During my first tenure that ran concurrently with that of Abure we worked together and his action of mismanaging party funds did not start today, people were afraid for their lives because one can not tell the extent that he can go to hurt those who try to expose his criminal activities in the Party.


Just this Past Edo Governorship primaries alone he duped unsuspecting aspirants to the amount of 500 million Naira.


I am ready for the public auditing process to be conducted by reputable companies to ensure that Abure does not get away with this fraud because he wants to play politics with the truth.


If this same Abure who campaigned for my re-election in 2019 claims I mismanaged the party’s finances ,the same Abure whose duty as at then was record keeping according to the party’s constitution then something is wrong with him. Besides,the then National Chairman A.A Salam of blessed memory is late now and can’t defend himself.


I have a few questions, Abure did you or did you not forge the late National Chairman’s signature in 2021 two months after his death to steal money from the party’s Zenith bank account at Cedi plaza ?


Did you or did you not open an account in the name of the Labour without the knowledge of the National Treasurer of the party where most states paid in their nominations monies to?


Abure did you or did you not steal the party’s finances through your wife’s account,your brother’s account, your personal and company’s account?


Don’t shift attention but if you feel ills have been done,thankfully the banks have the records of Labour party’s finances from the day accounts were opened for proper scrutiny.


The audit report referred to here was done by the same man whom you hired to falsify the audit report of 2023 which I refused to sign. We can’t continue to go back and forth,the banks are there let a high committee be set up to investigate the accounts of Labour Party from the day I became the National Treasurer to date so the world will know who the real criminal is.


His Excellency Mr Peter Obi, this is a direct affront on your person and the time to act is now. Though, I can bear witness that more than three occasions you attempted bringing in a private accounting firm which was turned down by Abure who had been found to have participated and executed several act of criminality.


Oluchi OpPart,

National Treasurer

Labour Party

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