Home News Insecurity, death of monarchs: bloodshed of innocent people crying for vengeance –...

Insecurity, death of monarchs: bloodshed of innocent people crying for vengeance – cleric warns


…Calls for 7 days national prayers



By Adeyinka Adeniran



The Senior Prophet, The Jerusalem Ministry of God Worldwide, Apostle Johncrownfit Anifowose has fingered the blood of innocent people shed in various parts of the country over the years as been responsible for the various calamities befalling the country.


He said the innocent blood which are crying for vengeance are also responsible for the various challenges been faced by the government at various levels which are resulting in high level underdevelopment despite the intentions of the past and present political administrations.


To avert the situation, the cleric said God has ordered a 7-day National Prayer to appease and set the country and the people free from effect of the bloodshed.


He said the atrocities against the innocent accumulated from the past 400 years with the ancestral, monarchical and political sins and curses of bloodshed committed by the nation’s political and monarchical leaders.


He added that the effect is plaguing the country, the people and causing continuous death of both political and traditional leaders in the country.


He said God’s decision to reveal the curses affecting the progress and development of the country is an indication of His love for the people adding that until the curses and bloodshed are appeased through national prayers, situation across the country may not get better.


A personal letter containing the appeal, consequences and preferred way out, a copy which was sighted by The Nation and entitled “A Personal Appeal from God for the salvation of the Land”, reads in part “In view of the current spate of unrest, bloodshed and all calamities bedeviling our nation, the Lord urgently request a 7-day prayer for deliverance and salvation of Nigeria, three days in each state of the federation.


“This prayer request is directed to all political and monarchical leaders in the land. This prayer is demanded by God to remove the curses of bloodshed pronounced against the country emanated from the victims of:


“Transatlantic slave trade, ritual killings and sacrifices by past kings, Biafra war of 1967-70, religious and ethic killings, political killings on and before elections, kidnapping, Boko haram and herdsmen killings.


“The Lord says all the above stated sins and errors were committed by past kings and political leaders between the space of 1619-2019, 400 years ago. The Lord revealed that all these above stated sins and errors of bloodshed committed by past monarchical and political leaders are responsible for the present plagues and woes the nation is facing today:


“High cost of food, commodities and livings, lack of basic amenities and infrastructural bareness, poverty and hardship, scarcities of food and daily need commodities, e.g like petrol, gas, diesel etc, boko haram and banditry insurgences and killings, Biafra, Oduduwa, IPOBs and unknown gun-men, secessionists agitations and killings, destruction of lives, properties and various unrest bedeviling the nation and, shockingly, the incessant death of various monarchical and political leaders which has been befalling the nation since 2020.”


Apostle Anifowose said further, “The Lord says this happened for it is written: Pollute not the land wherein ye are: for blood defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.


“However, the Lord says the incessant death of the present day kings and political leaders currently going on in the nation is precipitated upon the curses of sins of bloodshed attracted to the thrones they are sitting on today, committed by their predecessors.


“This is in accordance to the principle of asset and liability, the throne and the curses attributed. The Lord says since the throne and political seat they are sitting upon today were the same used to commit the ancestral, generational and political bloodshed 400 years ago, that is why the present kings and political leaders are dying today.”


He linked the various deaths of political and traditional leaders to the 12th and 13th hours since 2020 after the completion of the 400 years warning that “The Lord says this is happening and many more would still happen this year 2024 in accordance to the order of Isaiah 24:19-23, Revelation 6:12-17, and Revelation 19 :17-21.


“For the blood of those people who are shed are crying for vengeance and He is still in the business of using the blood of the inheriters of the thrones and political seats to clean the curses of bloodshed their predecessors caused on the ground.


“But, as it is written, if the Kings and the political leaders who are presently on the throne and on political seats now will pray and seek my face and stop corruption, maladministration and misappropriation which is destroying the land and putting my people into poverty and hardship, He shall stop plague of death and heal our land.


“The Lord says He shall stop the plagues if the people of the also shall stop their evil ways and return to me.


“However, in order to break the curse and stop the plagues, the Lord is crucially requesting for a 7 -Day National Prayer for Nigeria in order to appease the blood of those shed wrongly and unjustly in the in country.


“The line of action includes: A 7 Day National prayer for Nigeria, 3 day to hold in each major town and, state, anointing, prayer in the airfield, renaming the Nation and erecting a Prophet Sign at the entrances of the city.”

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